Leadership Excellence and Development Foundation


LEAD Foundation

1937 Ascot Drive

Moraga, CA 94556

Primary objectives and purposes:

(a) to address problems facing today’s youth through early intervention by providing positive alternatives including, but not limited to:

Education incompletion (dropping out of school)

Gang involvement

(b) to encourage the development of leadership skills in our youth to allow them increased opportunities in life. To develop youth to be productive members of society;

(c) develop positive attitudes, citizenship skills and enhance self-esteem among the students through mastery of specialized training concepts;

(d) to promote education as a tool for future success and to encourage to furtherance of a student’s education beyond the secondary instruction level;

(e) to sponsor varied extra-curricular activities which cultivate the basic instructional program;

(f) to promote diversity and equal opportunity throughout our programs and efforts;

(g) reduce alcohol and drug dependency by providing alternate and productive goals to the students;

(h) to promote and sponsor groups and organizations that have similar goals and objectives.